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 A Brief History Of Seberang Perai Lim See Sai Hoe Tong
    Before the Seberang Perai Lim See Sai Hoe Tong was established, the Lim Clanmens in Seberang Perai had long since selected their ritual leader by divination. Every year on the 23rd day of the third month of the lunar calender, on the birthday of the Goddess Mazu, an altar would be set in the ritual leader's house to worship the deity for protecting the clan's early ancestors who came south by sea. While the exact origins of this revolving responsibility of organising worship annualyy has yet to be determined. It is certainly through the gratitude of the Seberang Perai clanmans that this tradition has preserved over the years.
    In 1973, it was once again the celebration of the birth of the deity. The Lim clanmans gathered at the house of their leader,  Lim Mu He, situated at Raja Uda, Seberang Perai, for the Mazu worship and celebration. Some of the clanmans suggested building a Mazu temple at Seberang Perai for the clanmans to have permanent place to gather and worship. This suggestion gained enthusiastic support and respond from the Clan members.
    On May 6, 1973, many of the Lim Clanmans gathered at the house of incoming leader Lim Ya Tu situated at Kampung Bagan Baru, Butterworth,to discuss the formation of a fund-raising committee, where Lin Zheng Long and Lim Song Fa were appointed as the committee chairman and secretary respectively. Heng Choon Tian Road, Butterworth was then given as the temporary contact address. On May 20 1973, a second fund-raising committee meeting was held to discuss the application to register at the Registrar Of Societies, as well as to name the ancestral hall 'Seberang Perai Lim See Sai Hoe Tong'. At that same time,a fund-raising drive was organised to raise fund from Lim Clan members. Within 1 year, RM30,000 was raised; sufficient to purchase a terrance house situated at No 4877, Taman Sin Tat, Raja Uda to function as an association building.
    On October 27 1974, the Seberang Perai Lim See Sai Hoe Tong received approval from the Registrar of Societies and was officially formed. A massive membership drive was held. On December 22 1974, the first General Assembly was held and the first Board Of Directors was formed. Lim Zheng Long and Lim Song Fa were duly appointed the first Chairperson and honorary secretary respectively.
    At its inception, there were only slight over o hundred members in the association. However under the leadership and concerted effort from the existing members, the number of members surged and soon the association clubhouse became too small to fit all the members. The members then wished to build a new association building. A general meeting was called to establish a construction committee to identify a suitable site for the new association building. The construction committee finally purchased a parcel of land at Lot 548/549, Lorong Kubor (The existing Building right now) near Jalan Telaga Air, After many years of fund-raising,construction and bureaucratic procedures, the grand association building was finally completed in 1985. The Seberang Perai Lim Clanmans will forever be in gratitude to their fellow Lim Clanmans from all over Malaysia for their full support and effort.
    Seberang Perai Lim See Sai Hoe Tong organises two annual events in its statelty clubhouse to bring together its clan members. The first being the birth celebration of Mazu on the 23rd of the third month of the lunar calender and the second being the annual dinner organised on every winter solstice.
    Seberang Perai Lim See Sai Hoe Tong annually awards scholarships to children of the Lim Clan members ranging from Primary school to pre-university. Congratulatory plaques are awarded to University graduates upon completion of their studies.
    In 1995 and 1999, Seberang Perai Lim See Sai Hoe Tong officially established the youth section and women section respestively. These two sections jointly organise the Chinese New Year and Mid-Autumn Festival each year to foster relationships between members
    Seberang Perai Lim See Sai Hoe Tong's welfare group is responsible to care for the welfare of clan members. In case of death of any members, an amount will be donated in the name of the Association. Seberang Perai Lim See Sai Hoe Tong has also established a charity fund to assist the criticaly ill,regardless of their clan surnames upon their application.
    Seberang Perai Lim See Sai Hoe Tong, with its staley association building has overcome many challenges throughout the founding of the organisation. The Association is now ready to take off, to provide services and care to all clan members within the association and those less fortunate in the society.

    威省的林氏族人在威省林氏西河堂尚未成立前,早已以问卜选炉主的方式,约定每年农历三月二十三,天后圣姑圣诞千秋的日子,在当值炉主的寓所设坛祭 同时演戏酬神,以示对海路保护神妈祖早年庇佑先人渡海梯航,安全南来的敬意 。此轮值祭  风俗始自何时,尚待考查。唯一可以肯定的是多年来在威省林氏族人感恩的情怀下,一直延续不断的执行下来
    1973年,又是欢庆天后圣姑圣诞千秋的日子。众多林氏族人齐聚当值炉主林木合位于威省拉惹乌达的寓所设坛敬拜演戏酬神。 当年有人对每年随当值炉主转换膜拜场所的方式的甚感未趋完善,提议应为北海的天后圣姑设庙,以便林姓族人膜拜。是项提议备受前来现场膜拜的林姓族人的支持,热烈响应。
    成立之初,只有会员逾百名,在理事会群策群力的领导及会员的通力推动下,会员人数激增,原本狭小的会所已不敷应用,于是众会员有意自建一堂皇会所。遂召开会议成立建委会,四处物色适合地点以兴建一座堂皇的宗祠。建委会终于在红毛井路罗弄古武购买一块编号548及549的地皮。 经过多年的筹款募捐,加上数年的建筑工程和各项官方手续,富丽堂皇的堂所终于在1985年建峻。望着这座巍巍的堂所,威省林氏族人满怀感恩。不时向全力支持他们的各马各地的林姓亲人致于谢意。
主席:振龙 副主席:宛章, 池兴
总务:松发 副总务:祯沅
财政:志友 副财政:志成
委员:远福, 文早, 清海
主席:振龙 副主席:宛章, 池兴
总务:松发 副总务:祯沅
财政:志友 副财政:志成
委员:远福, 文早, 清海

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